cd /Volumes/dev
however I prefer to have something a long the lines of 'gotodev' because I switch between my windows work pc and my home Mac it's just one of those little nice to haves.
On a Mac to set up a path alias, open up a new terminal and you should start your journey in your home directory, which is great, cause that is exactly where you want to be.
type in the command
ls .zshrc
if nothing comes up then you need to create it, simply type in
touch .szhrc
this will create a .zshrc file in your home directory
Next you are going to have to open it with the command
nano .zshrc
this will open your .zshrc file in a terminal text editor, and add the following line
alias gotodev='cd /Volumes/dev'
the result should look something like the following
to test out out your command hit commad+t to tab open a new command window and type in 'gotodev'