for IOS you place all of your images in the resource folder using the following naming convention with a build action of BundleResouce
Path | Naming convention | Ratio | size |
/Resources | myfile.png | 1 | 25px^2 |
/Resources | myfile@2x.png | 2 | 50px^2 |
/Resources | myfile@3x.png | 3 | 75px^2 |
whereas for Droid it would look like with a build action of AndriodResource
Path | Naming convention | Ratio | size |
/Resources/drawable-hdpi/ | myfile.png | 3 | 75px^2 |
/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/ | myfile.png | 4 | 100px^2 |
/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/ | myfile.png | 6 | 150px^2 |
/Resources/drawable-xxxhdpi/ | myfile.png | 8 | 200px^2 |
and finally for UWP they are as follows with an build action of Content
Path | Naming convention | Ratio | size |
/Assets | myfile-100.png | 1 | 25px^2 |
/Assets | myfile-200.png | 2 | 50px^2 |
/Assets | myfile-400.png | 4 | 100px^2 |