This will bring up the rules Pane, if you haven`t already bring your form button into focus (click on it). With your future submit button selected click the New drop down list and pick Action.
Rename Rule1 to Submit or SubmitRule or whatever you find more descriptive. Hit the add dropdown list and select Submit data.
With the Rule Details box open click the Add button, this will start the data connection wizard.
Leave the first window of the wizard in its default state and hit next
In the second window select your the fourth option `To the hosting environment such as an ASP.NET page or a hosting application.` then hit next.
this will bring you back to the Rule Details page from before, just hit OK.
and there you go, your submit button now posts back to your hosting environment. Now it`s time to give your submit button a more descriptive display text then Button, to do this just right click on the button and select button properties. Change the Label textbox from Button to Submit or whatever else your heart desires.
the final step is to publish your form to a network location and make it SharePoint ready, I`ll do that in my next post.